You’ve used stats and studies to explain police brutality in a racist way. While what you wrote has some truth to it, it’s a half truth. You looked for research to justify your position instead of forming a position based on rigorous research. In fact, what’s happening is the consequences of a negative feed loop that is spiraling out of control into more violence and death.
You didn’t look at it from the other side. Like how police conduct triggers fear response and posturing against harassment.
Therefore your comment is akin to victim blaming and nothing more. And you’re showing your own deep seated bias.
Since the police are the ones with state backing, the bigger guns, etc., it is up to them to deescalate tensions. Also, because they are in the minority; it’s up to them to stop waging war on the populace. Otherwise, the inevitable end is not going to be pretty when the populace stops trying to negotiate peace and actively engages in return warfare.
The police will lose. They will find themselves in the position of every lost, bruised, and combat fatigued soldier in enemy territory. On your own and behind enemy lines with an angry population looking to eliminate them and possibly their families. Strategically.
And it’s a situation of their own making. They need to take a long hard look at what they’re doing. Reverse course, before it’s too late. Stop playing soldier, go back to being police.