You’ve stumbled into a patch of irony that also acts to negate your premise.
You criticize women for falling for narcissistic manipulation yet you’re acting manipulatively yourself.
You’ve claimed you’re going to kill yourself at the end of the year if a woman doesn’t date you and won’t be in a relationship with you by then. A situation that is not likely to happen in your current frame of mind. Of course, then you get to blame women instead of taking responsibility for your own depression and negative self talk.
How convenient.
It’s also highly manipulative, do you see that? Just like the sad, pathetic, little bros who scream and cry that if you break up with them they’ll kill themselves.
Honestly, what’s the difference?
Do you not see the irony of an emotionally manipulative man blasting women for falling for a manipulation?
But then…you have a hard time getting a date and can’t find a woman to invest in you. That’s odd, don’t you think? Here you are trying to manipulate some poor woman into feeling sorry for you enough to go out with you, yet they’re saying “no thanks” with alarming regularity. Clearly, your thought process is illogical and doesn’t apply to reality. Otherwise, you’d be beating them off with a stick. They’d be lined up around the block if women only wanted manipulative men.