You've misunderstood the entire message, probably via deliberate obtuseness. You sound scared and rattled of losing access to women.
There is nothing inherently anti-feminist about being dependent on a man. The point is it ahouldnt be forced or coerced and you don't have to be.
Feminism isn't about being an island until oneself. Feminists recognize the need for interdependence as a social species. Feminists know that our relationships give us a lot of things that we need to become our best selves.
But what if that companion who inspired you to become yourself isn't a romantic partner? What if it's a best friend or a sibling or a cousin? What if it's devotion to a cause, an organization, or a higher purpose?
Should these folks be prevented from becoming their best selves just to make themselves available for a romantic attachment that doesn't fulfill them?
The message about being able to be independent of a man is BECAUSE of the stay at home girlfriend's inner world. You answered your own supposition right there.
Children and family doesn't make it better. It's a balm for a while in many cases but children grow up and leave home. Tgen what?
Centering your entire world around a man as a woman is incredibly isolating and leads to depression and low self worth. Of course it does.
We live in a misogynistic culture that depends upon women's labor and gidts to sustaon itself but does not respect or value them. That means the majority of men either overtly, cobertly, or low key hates women.
No one who feels that way is going to be the type of companion you describe, the one who improves your life and makes you a better person.
That has to come from a place of equality and mutual respect and the desire to be comparably valuable as well as receiving value.
What theyre going to be, when it's all said and done, is a drain, dead weight, something to be survived or endured for the promise of some kind of reward in the afterlife, something to put up with because.......expectations or so your kids dont suffer the societal stigma of not having a father.
What you the woman is going to be is lonely, in it alone, mostly treading water, isolated, adrift.
Any of us can have that kind of companionship. And it can come from the opposite sex. No one is saying that it can't or that it's impossible.
What is being said is that romantic love and marriage with the opposite sex is no guarantee and no absolute. That if that's what you want, that companionship, then you need to accept it where and with whom it arises whoever and however that is and not try to make something that can't be that, for whatever reason, be that.
Becauwe in the end, it doesn't work and you've wasted years of your life being alone in a partnership and suffering loneliness.
And for the record, we're talking about this from the feminist oersoextive because that's whwre your misunderstanding was laid out.
But the same thing is 100% true for men. There are plenty of men out there bitterly lonely in partnerships and marriage for the EXACT same reasons.
Marriage and parnership doesn't magically create a functional and worthy companion.