You’ve mentioned "see through" masks before. That’s got nothing to do with it. It’s all politics and a whipped up mob of imbeciles.
There actually have been masks or coverings that allowed the face to be seen already designed. Early on. It was all over the news. One was a plastic shield. I grant you the shield did not act as a barrier to aerosolized virus but it did prevent droplets from hitting your respiratory tract. So perhaps, in hindsight, they were more effective than they were given credit for. The other was a cloth mask with the lower half of
your face screen printed on it. Doctors were using them so panicked patients could see their faces.
There were also probably others. Didn’t change.thr drumbeat of conservative hysterics and it didn’t change public perception.
You’re either for them, or a selfish bastard out for yourself, damn everyone else.