You’ve gotten your syndromes confused Penguin.
The one you want is Antithetically Confused Vaginal Syndrome, or ACVS.
AVS, or Ambivalent Vagina Syndrome is what you call it when what you’re sexually attracted to just isn’t cranking your tractor any more. There’s no confusion about it. It’s what happens when you look at what you’re supposed to be sexually attracted to, and always have been, but now instead of vroom vroom hrududu hrududu, your internal dialogue makes that lonesome whistling noise you hear in old westerns and your mind’s eye sees a hot desert with dry tumbleweeds being blown past some forlorn looking cacti. And then you vagina takes the hint follows suit. Sahara Desert.
Overall good article, just needed that minor clarification. Gotta keep up with the updates to the diagnostic manual, don’t you know.