2 min readDec 25, 2024


You've got a few problems with your thesis, the most glaring of which is assuming Peterson has anything of value to say and is a worthwhile sort of person to look to for mentorship, silent or otherwise.

To marginalize someone means to make them feel unimportant or powerless, or to limit their access to opportunities, services, or basic activities. Marginalization is often used to describe the treatment of groups of people who face discrimination and exclusion in society, politics, or the economy.

Ergo, men are not being marginalized in education because learning requires you to sit still for a bit and pay attention. Let me remind you of a few things:

1. That's they way it's been done since long before women were allowed in those spaces. In fact, way back when, if boys found sitting still too hard an ask, they'd usually get whacked across the back with a cane. Do you think if we returned to violently coercive encouragement tailored to the needs of boys they'd feel less marginalized? By your logic, they'd be less disadvantaged than girls by the educational system.

Pause play: I have to go chuckle in the corner for a minute or two.

Resume play:

2. Men are not excluded from university on the basis of being men. You see, women WERE historically marginalized from education. Now that we have the opportunity to get what was once denied us, and we've seized that opportunity, we're well positioned to explain to you how it works.

See, you fill out an admittance application and being a business, they fill all their slots with ANYONE, literally anyone who meets the basic prerequisites of entry. Important point here: at most colleges it literally doesn't matter who you are. If you can pay, and if you meet their requirements, and you do the paperwork, you can go to college.

No matter who you are.

Isn't that wonderful?

Pause play: I have to go laugh at you again. For very obvious reasons. Well, obvious to everyone who knows how college works.

Resume play:

Don't you find it odd that Peterson, a college graduate, failed to mention how college works? That didn't strike you as odd at all? Huh. It's almost as though he's fulfilling a purpose by fleecing insecure young men who are falling behind, rsther than helping thrm catch up to what everyone else already how college works.

And you're slavering after a snake oil salesman.

Just out of curiosity, how much are you hoping to bank repeating this bunk?



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