You're wrong there too.
If men weren't so terrified of the feminine, they wouldn't have such a driving need to control every aspect of our lives for all eternity rather than deal.with that existential fear. It's true, one and one, on average, our bodies are not much of a physical threat to men. Doesn't matter. Not all threats are physical ones. They are terrified by what we represent. They are terrified by our very feminine essence. In time, living as a woman and interacting with men, you will come to know that truth.
No. I'm not celebrating the fact that you have been sexually assaulted. You didn't deserve it any more than I did or anyone else did. Actually, I hope that you were able to acquit yourself well like I did as it makes a huge difference in the aftermath. I don't blame myself, I didnt slip into risky behavior or addiction, I don't self harm or self loathe, no eating disorders or other extreme coping issues, I didn't cut my hair, I don't feel like I've lost value....none of that.
I hope that for you, the same as I hope it for every woman, child, man, and Transperson who faces sexual assault. Also regardless of who their assaulter is. The rampant sexual assaults need to end and that will happen by shaming the assaulter instead of the victim and for those who are forced to wear various societal targets to learn to acquit themselves well when it's happening, in the aftermath, and for there to be justice.
I hope you know you didn't deserve it. You're not responsible for someone else's criminal behavior.
You do need to realize though, if you haven't already I mean, that as a woman you are subject to this constant pervasive pecking the same as the rest of us. Men define themselves, in large part, by their ability to dominate. When they feel low, they go after women with dominance displays for the ego boost.
As I've said before, welcome to the trenches.