You're wrong. There are no absolutes. Sometimes it's a mercy.
Even when it's solely for the benefit of the mother, you're falsely equating the pain and suffering of those who have consciousness and experience with what a clump of cells would experience.
90 something percent of aborted fetuses are terminated well before they can feel pain and certainly well before they could be aware of what was happening.
They don't have bodies to hurt or brains to process either physical or emotional pain.
They also do not have personhood because they are part of the mother until they are developed enough to survive outside the womb on their own. A fetus cannot be murdered.
Your distaste for the realities around the creation of life are your feelings. No one should be forced into situations of undue hardship than they need to be based on the whims of your feelings or anyone else's.
If it bothers you so much, then decrease your standard of living to the bare minimum and donate everything you make over that, all your down time, and the extra space your home for the care of these children. Convince all the other forced birthers to do the same.
Until you're doing that, chill out. Your feelings don't matter until you've put some skin in the game.