You're out of your lane here Ossiana.
My daughter had one screaming fit at a teacher in school. According to your carte blanche diagnosis of what's wrong with kids today, that's all my fault because I'm not parenting to the satisfaction of aomeone who put their child up for adoption because they couldn't handle the responsibility.
But let's take a quick look at what happened.
A substitute teacher asked all the kids to put away their extra stuff and concentrate on whatever they were doing. So they did. Every kid. Did exactly as they were asked.
One little girl had been making an remembrance album full of pictures and essays, stories and letters about her cat who had recently died. She had been working on it during their free time, but closed it up and put it under a stack of books at the side of her desk and was diligently working on what the teacher had assigned. As they had been asked.
Teacher's walking up and down the aisles and passes by her desk and looks at her work and goes through her stack and starts screaming at her for disobeying him. She protests that he sidnt specify he meant under the desk and she had put her album away.
He humiliates her in front of the whole class and then rips her album in half.
Not puts it away or confiscates is. He destroyed it.
He knew what it was because that was part of the humiliation.
He knew what it was. He destroyed it anyway. Just to flex.
The little girl burst I to tears, at which point he made of her again in feont of the whole class. He called her a big baby and some other stuff I won't repeat here. She runs out of the classroom, just squalling.
Nine or ten years old, for reference.
He continues to denigrate her to the class and flex.
After about 5 minutes of this continued berating of them all, Urchling steps up and tells him he was wrong to destroy personal property and basically that that was a shitty thing to do. She reminds him that as a teacher, even a substitute, he should be setting a better example. Then she asks if she can go check on her classmate and reminds him that she's been gone a while now.
He starts screaming at her to sit down and shut up and saying she ought to have her mouth smacked and he was going to call her .other and make sure I did it.
Bless him. The fool.
Urchling yells back, "Go ahead. Excellent idea. Call mother. Do you need the number? If you're not going to go check on [the other little girl], I WILL.
And she marches out of the classroom, into the courtyard (60s architecture) and found her classmate hiding in a bush around the periphery of the playground contemplating walking home.
I submit to you that some of these teachers provoke these incidents. They've got no business being in a classroom and the only reason they are is that being a teacher doesn't pay enough to get top talent. Schools are putting warm bodies in positions of authority over children. It's a recipe for disaster.
Wanting to 'help' is not enough. You need training. You need to understand kids. You need leadership skills. You need to not be the sort who gets off on bullying little kids. And there's more like that than you seem to think.
I submit to you that for every video you have of a kid kicking off in class, there are many many more that the schools suppress to protect themselves of teachers being inappropriate in all the ways with the kids. It's still leaking out to TikTok though.
For the record, I did get that call. I listened to him trash talk my daughter. Then I listened to her side.
And then I took her out for ice cream as a reward.
My primary job as her parent is not to make sure she can fill out a worksheet or do convoluted math breakdowns that are aupposed to be about basic math, but even I have a hard time grasping what they're going for. They've "dumbed it down" into incomprehensibility half the time. It's not my job as her parent to make sure she's read up on every old dead white guy from ages past but excludes everyone else.
It's not my job as her parent to make sure she's an employable mitochondria to a corporation that will chew her up and spit her out as soon as she needs time off or the shareholders aren't happy with their profit margin.
My job, as her parent, is to make sure she won't kowtow to authoritarian bullshit at the first bit of pressure.
My job as her parent is to teach her to defend the integrity of her personhood at all times and of others when and how she can.
My job is to teach her to see herself as both an individual and a part of a collective and to look out for the interests of both.
My job is to teach her to put people before profits, before status and position, and before going along with authority that does not respect the little guys.
That's my job.
And their first proving grounds will ALWAYSA be playgrounds, teachers who shouldn't be teaching, and schools that will ALWAYS put the institution over the child.
The child is the product. An energy and creative product for a corporation.
And parents are compelled by law to submit their children to that sandbox.
Of course the kids will resist. Of course.