You're making the assumption that the authors of those comments are feminists because they made a misandrist comment.
You're also making the assumption that a kinda trollish comment or a response to a trollish comment/article means these women are advocating for supremacy over men rather than just expressing frustration at men for their failure to grasp the rise of misogyny on line and that we are living in a rape culture headed toward femicide. And their refusal to engage in stopping it.
You're failing to recognize that an extreme minority is getting a lot of attention because they are noisy, but they do not speak for nor represent an ideology or a more or less 100 year movement (depending on your location) toward equality.
You've failed to consider that while this particular moment may be irritating and full of hyperbole, this rise in female aggression may not be an overarching bad thing. To be equal and have harmony between the sexes, women need to embrace the divine masculine within themselves and blend it with their divine feminine. Men need to do the opposite. If the only example women have had of masculinity for the past few generations is emotional tirades, bullying type behavioral, manipulation, gaslighting, and blame & shame (or, toxic masculinity) is it really so hard to believe that that is what they would draw on first? It's what they know.
Maybe women just need to get a lot of built up festering resentments from oppression out of their system and this is all part of that process. So much has been denied to us for so long it WILL take generations to relearn all that we have lost. It won't be a straight march either. Not everyone will get there, or get there at the same time or the same way.
Just don't cut your nose off to spite your face because things are a little rough and messy right now. Sometimes rough and messy is exactly what you need though you rarely know it at the time. Trust the process.