You're entire article falls apart when one realizes that men had this ability to flirt with women and they abused it.
You're blaming "feminists" for crushing men without acknowledging the part men played (and many still are) in the changing dynamics.
It's not always harmless. It's not always appropriate. And even though the line between acceptable flirting and admiration is not that thin, the bad actors amongst men continue to pretend like it is and they just innocently can't tell.
You give men too much credit based on history and what they're currently saying on social media. You're also throwing the many many other women who do NOT miss the constant attention under the bus because you want your looks validated. That's lame.
Then you suggest that they must be mentally ill from PTSD to not handle unwanted attention from men with "grace" as though that's more important than whether or not they should have to in the first place.
Perhaps it is not them who has the problem. Perhaps it is you. Maybe you should be the one to seek therapy to address your obvious lack of self esteem or your need to be validated by men to feel worthy of life rather than expecting everyone else to read your mind, see that you're suffering from low ego, and go out of their way to strut around like bower birds or peacocks just so you feel appreciated.
Just saying.
I don't miss it. I'm not mentally ill. I'm not incapable of handling situations as they arise. Whether I do so "gracefully" or not is my choice because I'm the one who had been intruded upon and no one else's damn business. I'm a few years older than you. I look damn good and I know it. I don't need some Random Barney wolf whistling at me and being crass and crude from across the street or in the mall to tell me what I can easily see in the mirror using my own eyes.
You don't speak for all of us. Just the insecure ones.