You're choosing to be blind to it.
He said: these poor saps need to be fucked. Wouldn't it be great if they got sexed up and then all the violence against women would end (also historically untrue and no evidence to suggest thi gs have changed significantly on that front).
He repeatedly brought up sex. Just the sex. They're not getting banged enough. All will be well if they just get fucked.
That's the big solution. End men's sexual frustration by getting them fucked. It'll be great for everyone.
Fucked by whom?
There was no mention of self service. If you're getting fucked, it's by a whom, is it not? We don't use the words "getting fucked" in regards to masturbation. Getting fucked requires a someone to get fucked by, does it not?
Who's he talking about?
He's talked plenty about gay relationships not having the same problem of being "under fucked", so it's not a far stretch to assume he means for everyone to stay in their proverbial sexual lane.
So who is the whom? Who's the someone the men need to get fucked by so desperately?
It's women. Has to be.
We're not talking about goats. Not talking about self satisfaction. Hopefully children are still off limits. Can't be a "real man" if you're gay. Who else is there?
It must be women. He certainly never said otherwise.
Then he follows up with another article with a lame acknowledgement of the sexual shame women carry due to patriarchal religions and how maybe you could be a decent guy and tell the women to get over it so they can put out more.
So what's missing there? Don't strain yourself.
Do try to explain to me again how picking up manosphere tripe does not end in so called "reasonable, middle of the road" men to display the same self centered, self absorbed, selfish, calloussness.
I can't wait.
You last article was pretty decent by the way.