2 min readJul 2, 2022


You're believing propaganda, the reproductive Big Lie. Roe v Wade restricted late stage abortions except in cases of the health of the mother or the nonviability of the fetus. That means elective late stage abortions have been illegal for the last 50 years. They don't exist. It's a lie.

Statistically speaking, women aren't using abortion as a means of birth control. There is a problem with access and affordability of birth control and a lack of adequate sex education but that's a problem mainly in regressive areas ... guess who? It seems to always be Conservative Christians who knows somebody who knows who got an abortion "flippantly". You never hear liberal women saying this. Ever. We're very responsible about our reproductive health and we carry a lot less sex shame. So, we don't have a problem talking about it with our partners, holding them accountable for their part in the reproductive process, or telling them to fuck off otherwise (all things being equal — we do t feel endangered). This suggests that abortion as a means of birth control, if it exists, is a problem withing conservative Christian communities as another direct result of purity culture, body/sex shame, and/or stigma against seeking reproductive health care for teenage girls. Those girls know that if they get pregnant they'll be shuttled off for a secret abortion rather than lose the appearance of propriety within the community. They KNOW in the end it's all about appearance. And since they've already learned their life doesn't matter other than a subjugate to masculinity, why should that baby's?

It's interesting here, that conservatives are willing to punish all women for a problem amongst conservatives Christians. Again, the statistics bear out that the bulk of elective abortions (non medical necessity) are due to financial reasons and/or failure of birth control.

Your last propaganda talking point is another overreach. Only 11% of women seeking an abortion have had one previously. Again, you'd punish all women for the alleged "moral failings" of a small percentage? You'd sentence other women to death by ectopic pregnancy because some women had two abortions, even if those multiple abortions were due to genetic defect or other nonviable conditions? How is this sanctity of life?

I think it's telling again that nobody ever asked why there were multiple abortions. What about women who were impregnated via IVF and then had some embryos aborted to make the pregnancy safe? How many of that 11% were that? Or how about a minor who has repeatedly gotten pregnant due to familial rape? You just assume multiple abortions are due to the irresponsibility of the woman/girl.

You do not value life. You just want to punish women for being women.



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