Your rebuttal has Jack didly squat to do with my comment.
I'm talking about how ludicrous it is to think that a study remarking on decreasing levels of testosterone that has not been duplicated or validated is magically making men less male.
Ita like saying if your gas tank is kept half full because you're rationing gas due to environmental concerns your car is somehow less of a car.
Or if you binge out on movie night every night for a week and empty your pantry, that somehow makes your kitchen less of a kitchen.
Testosterone does not determine your manhood.
It's a chemical your body produces that carries out certain functions. Women have testosterone too. It's presence in our bodies does not magically turn is into men for a few days, even though for a few days our levels of it will increase, sometimes dramatically.
What you're talking about is feelpinions based on rage and shadows. You're talking about something you believe because you want to believe it. It has no objective truth. It's just Influencer and propaganda bullshit.
Women don't want men to become women and we can't make them anyway. There is no magic spell or wand that we can wave around and make you turn into something elsez something you're not. If there was, it's a far more likely bet that many of you would be turned into frogs and drop kicked into the nearest large body of water.
Have you met us?
You think any reasonable, sensible woman would want to turn a large number of aggrieved, entitled man-children into a women who're still going to be aggrieved, entitled brats ....that we now have to deal while they have their first period?!?!?
Are you insane???
Women don't want to turn men into women. They want all the aggrieved, entitled man-children who WILL NOT leave us the hell alone to grow the fuck up or go find that lake. Whatever. Just leave us the hell alone.
We don't have any issue with men who act like adults and don't hate on us. Why would we? They're just going about their life not getting up in people's faces or bothering anyone, same as us for the most part. As it should be.
You're selectively hearing something entirely different from what women are saying.