Your math ain't mathing. With so many women being survivors of rape there's no way it's 1%.
Because rape has been so poorly prosecuted historically, it's vastly underreported.
Take a look at this. Seems more in line with reality. 1 in 16 men are rapists. 30% of men self report that they would rape if they could get away with it.
I think that "would if they could get away with it" is pretty telling about where men's heads are at.
Also, love how you conveniently side stepped all the other things I mentioned in that list that work to create rape culture to try to invalidate my point. Nobody has to work overtime to "generalize men", y'all generalize yourselves. For crying out loud.
Lastly, you "addressing the over pursuit of women" in another article is irrelevant on two counts. Firstly, in THIS one you said it was a great idea to go up to a bunch of random women, disturb their peace, and ask for their phone numbers to get over the idea of rejection as opposed to practicing starting a conversation with women in a more natural way or just saying hi and smiling, for example. In other words, to dog them. So whatever you said in the other article, you nullified it here. Clearly. Secondly, your ring of influence is incredibly low. You're not well known enough for very many people to have been affected by what you write. You're a nobody. This isn't a bad thing or a put down, most of us are. It does mean that your addressing of the issue, which was probably as problematic as your article here, is not going to have any impact in the lives of women to change things.
Maybe you just meant, "hey, I agree with you and I wrote about it here", but that's what not what you said and since, as I've pointed out you said the opposite in this article, you either don't truly understand the dynamic or your thoughts about it are just lip service allowing men to continue the shame shit and then gaslight us women about it later.
See what I mean about how you guys always generalize yourselves?
I don't know why modern men are investing so heavily in becoming sick caricatures of manhood and masculinity, but it's not working out well for you. It's very clearly being selected against. Don't blame women for your choice of a poor mate selection strategy.
The guys who don't tend to be this way, tend to be more quiet. They observe more. They don't peacock and bloviate about how hard it is to face rejection and gain validation are. They see women as people and talk to us instead of at us. They get their existence validated in ways other than garnering female attention.
And they don't tend to have the same problems getting a date.
But hey! You do you. Best of luck with that.