Your article is well written and is more or less successful in identifying some of the problems men face today. I think you missed a few, but I get that it might have made the article too long, or you wanted to focus on certain ones, what have you. Not that big a deal.
I do find it a shame, that in fleshing out your thoughts on the problems, you rely heavily on the conclusions of Influencer propaganda rather than objective reality or your authentic thoughts and feelings about them. I also get that that's hard to do as a woman. There's that experience gap, so I appreciate that as well. Unfortunately these Influencers are grifters at heart. They're not really interested in men's well being, they're interested in making them a mark. Relying on their propaganda means you're doing the same by proxy.
It's also disappointing that what few hints at solutions you have are geared toward women to "understand their difficulties", which is basically just asking women to appease men to maintain the status quo, which would by default lead to a return to what was and all the baggage that came with it.
I don't believe women have to be thrown under the bus or required to continue absorbing the inevitable violence this belief system creates in order for men to survive and thrive in the world.
They deserve better than to have to be mollycoddled to get through their day. They deserve rest, and intrinsic worth built in by virtue of being human, rather than performing some ritual of manhood whose goalposts keep changing. They deserve the full breadth of human expression and potential not to be infantalized in their own way as they infantalized women in other ways.
They deserve better than this. They can be better than this authoritarian bullshit.
And so do we women deserve better from them.
I hope you think through what you're advocating for more clearly.