Aug 13, 2021


Your article is kinda ridiculous. Basically what @Blythe Dolores Utz said.

Just say you're ruminating and you'd be left alone. "Everything's fine" is a lie and it's coercive. It's also hypocritical. Try being a woman requesting space and see how fast your male partner goes at you to "help you solve your problems".

As usual, they will hypocritically refuse to respect the same boundaries they demand for themselves. And that desire to "help you" is all about them and their male ego.

I'm actually okay with leaving them to it. But don't come at me later with this, "I just don't feel like you care about our relationship" bullshit later when you get exactly what you asked for. And I expect the same damn courtesy. Leave me the hell alone when I crave time to myself.



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