Your arguments are invalid and based in false assumptions. 4b is not about gender presentation. It's about the economic value of biological sex and the expectations put upon those with wombs who can bear children, regardless of what their gender is.
Ultimately, it's about refusing to continue propping up an economy that is exploitative, based on gender tropes.
South Korea had its own way speaking the notion into creation. 4b. But the idea is spreading and will be interpreted in various and different ways across the globe.
You're not excluded from womanhood because you don't have a womb. You're not denied manhood because you do. A Trans man with a womb can only get pregnant by another man, hence to bow out of the economy by engaging in reproductive labor is the exact same for a Trans man as it is for a Cisher woman: don't have sex with men. A Transwoman cannot get pregnant by a male partner as she has no womb. She's already outside of propping up the economy by engaging in reproductive labor via pregnancy.
One would hope a Transwoman who is still a biologically intact male would elect to not engage in reproductive labor as well, if she chose, and be assured adherence to 4b will welcome and applaud her rather than claim it doesn't count or what.the.fuck.ever.
Fact is, most feminists who are advocates of 4b would love for men to have their own version of 4b, or join us. We can change the Korean verbiage, it doesn't translate well anyways. We hope that if that comes too pass as a separate but related movement, Trans men will be welcome among their ranks. If not, the feminist door is always open.
We matter. We all matter. It's time for the elites to fucking figure that out. They are not entitled to ANY of our bodies for their own enrichment at the cost of our immiserstion. This bullshit needs to end and they need to get the message.
Don't quibble over unnecessary details.