You wouldn't be lying, but you would be saying something anecdotal or that is broadly inaccurate.
You "know" me, digitally speaking and I know you regularly rwsd feminist authors, many of whom, like me, are single. So even within what you're saying, you already know it to not be rationally true.
Likewise, the Incels are fabricating a belief based on grievance rather than reality. It's based off a survey that said 80% of women clicked on the top 20% of men.
I doubt any of them actually read or thought through what the study was actually saying. For one, it was limited to one or two particular dating apps. Most women looking to date are not on dating apps. So there's your first problem. Secondly, it did not look at swipe rates. For example, is it claiming that 80% of the women on that app ONLY swipe on the top 20% or so they also swipe on the bottom 80%? I'm guessing the latter. So there's your second problem, this percentage is meaningless without the proper context. Then, are they engaging with the top 20% or is this just a way of pointing out attractiveness, kind like a beauty contest? So there's your third problem, lack of follow through meaning it did not establish meaningful relevance. Lastly, who decided the rankings? Dudes? We know men are obsessed with looks (ours and their own) but women continually say and prove that looks are not the deciding or even the most important factor when choosing. It's not completely irrelevant, but it's just not the big deal to us that it is to men. So now we have our fourth problem, we've created a scale that does not align with the value system of the subjects being surveyed.
This survey was just shotty research. Sorry, not sorry. It also turned out to be a pretty shitty thing to publish.
The manosphere went crazy with soeculative nonsense about hypergamy and women having unrealistic standards and blah blah blah. They just threw whatever misogynistic bullshit they could come up with no matter how ridiculous and stirred that soup up. They're still dining on it.
Ossiana did not say where she got that 10% figure from and most of what I see when I get into Incel spaces is still 80/20 mostly.
But no, it's not a matter of perspective. It's a matter of seeing reality or creating a narrative of hate. It's a matter of critical and rational thinking or throwing in with a pack of testerical losers wallowing in grievance Hemotions.
That's not even all the problems with that survey. That's just skimming the surface and pointing out some obvious shit.