You suspect incorrectly. You seem to have a chip on your shoulder (pardon the pun). I'll remind you what I said about the extreme edges.
You disparage both Hungary and the UK. It's the same thing. In no way does Orban represent the average Hungarian. There are plenty of people in the UK who have spoken against and did not agree with leaving the EU. The referendum was a manipulation.
You're a fool if you think any part of the EU does not have the same vulnerabilities and potential to fall into odds or be swayed by power mad autocrats behind a charadmatic leader. I'll remind you that THAT has been the norm for most of history. Constant war. It was European hubris and pettiness that drug the rest of the world into two world wars, after all.
There is no nation on this planet in all of history or in the future that gets it right 100% of the time, that does not.habe vulnerabilities that can and will be exploited, and that can claim any kind of moral superiority. In the end all nations, being made up of humans, will be subject to the fallacies of human minds.