You might. You're trying, are you not?
I have a teenager, although mine's a girl. You know the trope of the teenage girl, right?
Mine is 19, technically still a teenager, but also a legal adult now. What I've gotten consistently throughout her teen years has been
*No slammed doors
*No sullenness
*No screaming fits
*She's never said she hated me
*She seeks to be helpful
*She tells me she loves me every morning as I leave for work and every night when I go to bed.
*Playfulness and engagement. We talk.
*Openness and frankness.
*No lying or hiding things.
*No drugs, alcohol, or reckless partying, not to be confused with normal social engagement and normal teenage getting in over your head sorts of things.
***Biggest one: a kid who's not just marking time till she can get the hell away from me. A kid who still wants to be part of my life and wants me in hers.
Raise better sons (and daughters) by being better, more loving parents.
Our children are just people, they're not criminals or born in sin or any of that shit. They're looking to us to show them how to be adults. What are we showing our kids?
If you don't like the end result, then you didn't tend your investment well.
I'm pleased withy result. You will never hear me bitching and moaning about Urchling. No one ever has. Just saying.