You mean those jobs that he's doing because she oays him to?
Haviny a need for electricity is not the same as needing a man. I don't.cate who works the jobs that provide electricity or housing.
I traded services via economic bartering and money.
In that regard, yes, we all need each other. Men need women too. Good luck working in construction or electrical without child care for your young ir medical care for when you're injured, usually from doing something stupid. How are you going to be able to cocentrste on that job when there's no one taking care of your elderly parents with dementia?
But that's not the same as being financially dependent upon someone due to disenfranchisement from financial institutions.
Which is what "women don't need men" (to provide for them) means. That and only that.
I would encourage men who feel distespected or marginalized by that to start showing equivalent respect to the women who's UNPAID labor has made those jobs possible for you men.
You all want respect as men? Try giving some for once.