2 min readNov 5, 2020


You make some good points, though I don’t think anyone is looking for guarantees as such. I would say stability and to not be disenfranchised. There are many ways to disenfranchise individuals and groups.

I do agree that most of us could work better together for the good of all if the two political parties were done away with. Both of them.

But, I stand by what I said, the Republican party has crossed the line in willingly turning a blind eye to a criminal president. Don’t forget, when Nixon got caught breaking the law, it was Republican leadership who marches into his office and convinced him to resign for the good of the nation. This time around, they are gleefully assisting him rip the country apart and supporting a tyranny of the minority. Don’t even get me started on court packing and constantly tabling Democratic led legislation.

I cannot believe so many people voted for Trump again after the chaos of the last four years. Or that McConnell and Graham(?) did not lose their seats. I would not have voted for any Congresspersons who made a joke of a legal impeachment. Or who refused to hash out a relief package for people hurting due to a pandemic SINCE MAY. Further, you don’t deny federal funds to states, or even threaten to, to punish political opponents. Not if you want to continue receiving funds as a federal government.

They have got to go. Then the Democratic party will split into two or more parties.

If the Democrats were doing those things, I’d say the same thing.

We have got to get big money out of Congress and get rid of 90–95% of these clowns, replacing them, so we can have a functional government again.

Before we lose everything. Honestly though, it may be too late. Maybe the relationship between the two parties is just too toxic and abusive for sane governance to recover.



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