You make an excellent point. Still, I find myself in favor of these laws because we can’t go on like this. If that’s what it takes to force the legislature out of gridlock, so be it.
If we continue down this path, then at some point, anytime someone twitches in public they’ll be gunned down, along with any collateral bystanders, for fear that they’re a mass shooter by a fearful, untrained public trying to be “a good guy with a gun". Society will break down if we don’t put the brakes on mass shooter events.
I’m not happy about it, for the problematic reasons you list.
But, the problem must be handled. It comes down to how one wants it handled. By legislation, by civic programs, social programs, judicially, through means of private or public enterprise, or by mobs?
In the end, I suspect it will take a multi-tiered effort across all levels of society because the problem has been allowed to fester for so long. So if a judicial response is what it takes to get the ball rolling, I’m for it.