You have to appreciate the irony of the fact that the smartest thing we could all do is build their damn rocket ship for them, load it up with a 6 months supply, seat for all the 1%ers, make sure they buy their ticket but only because they might get suspicious if we just gave it to them and launch them off to Mars with a big parade send off and cheers aplenty.
Then break contact.
Of course, the ship will have an unfoetunate design flaw of not being able to turn around and a slight navigational error that will not them execute a slingshot maneuver around Mars.
So tragic. If only they hadn't cheapened out of safety protocols and tied the navigational computer to an Xbox controller.
Really. What genius thought that up? A dutch worker who felt their livelihood threatened by AI so they flung their "Sabo" at the Nav computer?
What are you gonna do?