You don't think at all; that is your problem.
Not only are you incapable of seeing all the proverbial trees in the forest, you think the 'forest' is part of a alien ecosystem alongside failing to realize that a forest has many different types of trees AND a lot more in there than just trees.
I'm not offended by you comparing women to aliens, it's not really new and truth be told, some women feel the exact same way about men. I keep circling back around to it because that IS the crux of your argument and also the best place to paint a target on your confusion to rattle you into some sort of sense. You're spiraling and you're raving.
And you're attempting to labor dump a clean up of your own belief system that you created all on your very own, by not seeing women as people to start off with, now that you realize thooe beliefs have left you befuddled , confused, and lonely.
Your beliefs don't serve you so now you want me, a woman, to prove your beliefs wrong to you. But how exactly am I supposed to do that and what fucking difference would it make? See? That's the thing about beliefs. They're created out of choices, ego, and collective advantages to weaker people.
Any personal experience I share will be anecdotal and not proof. You don't deserve or have the right to know.
If I went and did a google search, would you believe the results any more than if you had done it yourself? Why would you? I'm an alien, remember? A non-person.
If I came over, drug you out of your basement, took you for that walk, and pointed out the women you fail to see because you don't want to fuck them, would you suddenly, magically see them? What's going to make you suddenly believe your lying eyes over those beliefs you cherish and hold dear? Certainly not me. You can't see me either.
You know, the rest of us are getting pretty tired of you men and women who other the opposite gender expecting us to make your pathepic lives more tolerable for you only for you to whiplash back around to that othering at the first moment of convenience.
You've made a mess of your head space and it's your mess to clean up. Not mine.