You don't talk about religion much. Do you think your ex thought you would come around or outgrow your atheism?
This was delightful. Looks like you and I are in the same camp on several points. I know the Bible much better than most followers of thr faith, I love it when the Mormons come for coffee (bless them), I have the utmost contempt for the Catholic church and Evangelicals, I hold Jeebus is the highest regard and figure he's be fun to hang out with (pardon the pun), I don't believe Jesus was God in human form (I reject the concept of the Trinity).
Further, I believe that making Jesus divine was an error in judgement that has limited and warped followers of the faith. I was actually commenting on this warping to someone else just last night, though I didn't specifically mention the Trinity. I did mention the Council of Constantinople when the Bible was canonized.
Do you see that comment or was the coincidence just serendipity?