3 min readApr 20, 2023


You don't seem to care about lying much either. The 11 year old in Ohio exists. They went to Indiana to get the abortion. Her family discovered she was pregnant right after the law was passed so there was some confusion as to whether or not she would fall under the exemptions because the laws are too vague, purposefully. It does not say, "you're too young at 11 to have an abortion. Your body is not developed yet so it might be dangerous for you. You're exempt."

So the doctor who saw her recommended her parents take her out of state. The doctor was then hauled before the courts and faced potential charges.

Those charges were eventually dismissed but let's be clear here, it was because of public outcry NOT because the law allowed for exemptions.

All this business about, "oh, she would have been exempt" is ALL after the fact because of public outcry. No other reason. This is them trying to fortify their position and pacify a building mob coming for them. The parents decided not to let their daughter become a political pawn so they didn't sit around and wait.

No rational person wants 11 year old children having babies. You can't excuse assault by telling an eleven year old she should have kept her legs closed. It doesn't work on early pubescent children. Pity, huh?

Damage control. Not justice.

The eleven year old in Ohio is also not the only eleven year old to find herself being endangered by draconian abortion laws. Another one was impregnated by her brother, who had been raping her since before she was old enough to know what sex was. Hundreds of times. She gave birth in their bathtub and once the baby was there, Dad decided to protect the son, as you do. He took the baby to the hospital and claimed it was left on the doorstep by a young woman who was a former domestic/girlfriend he had had an affair with. He left the daughter at home in the bathtub bleeding. Sluts don't deserve postpartum medical care, am I right?

So, in order to protect his rapist son, who's also appatently a pedophile, he left his daughter exposed to perpurea or any other complication that could have eventually killed her and exposed some number of unnamed immigrant women to police harassment and legal charges which would have bankrupted them to clear their name...if they were lucky. They also could have found themselves serving time in prison for attempted murder they clearly have no idea about what's going on if the lie had not fallen apart and the son confessed to how much fun he'd had raping his sister hundreds of times.

Let's be clear. These AGs in these states are looking to terrorize women using the law. They don't care about the truth or the collateral damage from vague draconian overreach.

There are more eleven year olds finding themselves under the scrutiny of and in harm's way because of these laws than just the little girl in Ohio and the little girl left bleeding in the bathtub. Hey, at least she didn't ruin the carpet with after birth.

It was always going to be that way. Because that was the point, all along.

Let's not pretend otherwise.

On a positive note, most everyone who just wants to get an abortion for their own reasons is still getting one. Good chance abortions have even gone up because you'd have to be a little unhinged to WANT to give birth in these states. It's not safe and it's becoming increasingly harder to get care, which means it's becoming even more hazardous. A hospital in Idaho is turning away pregnant women looking for prenatal care of needing to give birth. There will be more.



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