You don’t get to decide that.
For your information, that was exactly how life was defined for years. 'Life begins at birth’ was the historical standard for centuries before modern times.
Roe v. Wade was a compromise in a lot of ways and the care the court took in both making their decision and communicating it to the public was actually quite impressive given how emotionally charged the issue was. I encourage you to read the decision in full and educate yourself because you’re talking out your ass a lot here. You’re regurgitating a lot of right wing pro-life propaganda that just isn’t true. For example, no one is aborting 9 month old babies unless the baby has died in utero. A dead baby that has not expelled naturally can cause sepsis and death, taking the mother with it. Did you know that?
These new abortion laws aren’t going to stop abortions. They are going to kill women. A comparable law has already killed a woman in Poland. She and her husband wanted their baby but she needed an abortion because her baby died. But the law says abortion is illegal, no exceptions. No considerations; women and their doctors can’t be trusted to make healthcare decisions, after all, because they’re only interested in murdering innocent babies without getting permission from their poor disrespected husbands/partners, right?
In case you’re wondering, it took her over a week to die. Her life could have been easily saved by an abortion to clear the fetal corpse from her body. Instead her family and the hospital staff had to sit around and watch her die in agony. Instead of saving an innocent baby from a “murdering” feminist, society required an unnecessary death from a mother.
That’s right. Not only is her husband without a wife but now the child they already shared (older sibling to the fetus) is without a mother.
I guess I can understand the hurt feelings of men, feeling like they’re being excluded from the conversation. Problem is, you’re not adding anything useful when you don’t know what you’re talking about. The very basics of reproduction like menstruation cannot be discussed without many men devolving into 13 year old boy mindset and voicing their blood disgust ad nauseum infinitum or flat out spreading misinformation they got from another (usually male) idiotic talking head or politician because they refuse to learn anything about the reproductive process.
Until you know what you’re talking about, be quiet and stop making noise. I think you’ll find more women receptive to what you have to say when you can speak knowledgeably, respectfully, with open eyes to both sides, and without emotional bias because you don’t like feminists.
Until then, an opinion on a subject you know nothing about is worthless.