You did.
You just thought you didn't.
Even if one is in a profession that requires a strict prodessional dress code, it's not like you're at your job 24/7.
Express yourself off the clock. Express yourself out with your friends. It doesn't even have to be your pajamas. But it could be.
You could even hide some self expression within more professional attire. Nobody's going to look and see if you're wearing Batgirl Underoos under that power suit. How often does anyone really look at your socks? Under cover tattoos and piercings are a classic for a reason. Whimsy options in hair accessories are endless.
Hell fire. You could show up in a macaroni necklace when everyone knows damn good and well you don't have kids and they won't say a thing if you give them that look.
Girl Boss didn't prevent you from expressing yourself.
You did.
Because you were more concerned with followig what you thought the crowd and the Influencers (of the time) were doing rather than making your own decisions about how to live and express your womanhood.
Given the choice to achieve full autonomy, you caved and wrnt aling with the crowd even though it left you dissatisfied with aspects of your own life.
Bimbo and TradWife culture are no different. Among those who foolishly decide to follow for acceptance or praise about how they're performing femininity are going to end up with regrets and disappointment in due course.
No one else's acceptance and no amount of praise will ever last longer, mean more, or be more powerful than accepting yourself and conducting yourself accordingly. Especially not that elusive and very fickle 'they' that determines societal expectations.
Donr blame feminism when YOU didn't read the manual.