You clearly don't understand feminism, desoite claims to the contrary.
Modern feminism? This is a meaningles phrase.
You're also clearly skirting or avoiding a very real issue with manhood having changed significantly in rexent years. It seems you're blaming feminists for the the rise of a certain segment of Influencers while conveniently ignoring menists responsibility for reigning in alpha ideology, it's Influencers and those extremes.
I suggest to you that this is not part of feminism, not the fault of feminists, has an equivalent dynamic simultaneously happening with men, and is in fact a separate issue having to do with predatory capitalism being allowed out of control.
These people are snake oil salesmen. They don't believe what they're peddling. They're making money off the insecurities of people too weak and/or stupid to see what's really going on.
Don't add to it.
This has nothing to do with feminism. If you think it does, you don't understand feminism.