You can’t make up for the problematic behavior of other men.
Exactly how do you think men do this? Be a decent date?
How does that undo what has already transpired? Or make it okay? Or erase it from a woman’s mind? Or make it “all worthwhile in the end"?
It doesn’t. You can’t make up for it.
But you’re right about how the constant surveillance objectification, harassment, and shitty misogynistic behavior toward women hurts all men too. You lose societal trust and automatic good will. You become inherently someone to be suspicious of.
That’s not something that’s easy to crawl back from just by the occasional man being a decent date.
Maybe men should have thought about that sooner and given a damn when the reports first started coming in rather than once they personally started to be affected.
You don’t get to opt out of the societal responsibility we all have to each other to protect the commons and then whine about the consequences and the fallout once your feelings get hurt or you get rejected.