You are misrepresenting. Cletus the Slackjawed Yokel was me and I did NOT call John Henry that.
It's a descriptive term for a particular type of approach men make toward women. We're talking cold approaches looking for a date to women just out in public. Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel was a buffoonish cartoon character from way back when, like 100 years ago or so.
I stand by that.
I don't go up to random men in public, intrude into their personal space in a certain kind of way, mealy mouth around expecting them to figure out what I'm saying, and then just stand there like a lost fungus.
Not all men should be given "a shot" or attention, particularly when they are ignoring social basics. Like introuding yourself. Speaking clearly. Stating why you have interrupted their day, what they were doing, or another conversation they were having. Making the wffort to engage or carry the conversation since YOU were the intruding party.
Women don't get to do that to men. No one is obliged to entertain another's rudeness or refusal to follow basic social rules of stranger engagement just because a guy may or may not have feels or may or may not find social interactions difficult.
I find job interviews and meetings difficult. So you think I get to opt out of those or upend years of established social standards around them?
Do you think doing so would get me what I want? Probably not, right? Yeah, because the world does not revolve around me and my feelings.
You were more interested in making accusations of hard nosed feminists bashing a guys teeth in for 'a minor mistake' than looking up a term/reference to discover what it means, correctly reading their comment to determine what they were actually saying rather than what you wanted to see, or investigating the "poor abused lad" to see what he's about — if he's being deliberately inflammatory in order to drive engagement and go viral on a paid platform.
That Simon, is tone policing.