1 min readOct 16, 2023


You are, but what we really need is a publicly owned and operated, not for profit, social media platform willing to invest in:

1. Creating and protecting a Commons for public discourse that will appropriately punish bad actors.
2. Educational materials and means to assist content creators in creating quality content.
3. User defined controls of the algorithm
4. A pay scale that doesn't reward crap material.
5. For God sakes, editing services, especially on stuff like political commentary.
6. A flagging protocol for misinformation and propaganda.
7. For fuck's sake, educational materials on media, proper interpretation of content and statistics, how to spot and evaluate propaganda etc.

If the money collected that would have gone to profits and stock dividends went to better content creation, security of the platform, advancement and prudence of the algorithms, and actually building a public Commons on the internet....

Imagine what we would have.

Imagine what we could then do.



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