You appear to be conflating some issues here, or maybe the wording is just unclear. Being single is not the same as being sexless, as you said. Incels are enraged because no one wants to have sex with them, not because of a lack of relationships. Most of them don’t want a relationship, they just want to bang hot chicks. Some of them want a ‘girl’ to bang regularly, whom they will call a girlfriend even though they don’t want a real relationship with her.
This, of course, is why they’re not getting laid. Relationships are the price of a woman taking a pregnancy risk to have sex with a guy.
They don’t want to pay it but think they are entitled to be serviced regardless because what else are girls for?
It should be obvious that none of this has anything to do with feminism whatsoever because women have never wanted to be a walking, talking Fleshlight. Sex cannot be free and be commodified at the same time. That’s not how basic barter and economics work and we don’t live in the Matrix where you can bend the rules as you please just because you go online spouting nonsense about red pills.
These guys need to grow up or get locked up, not be pandered to and appeased.