You and a lot of other people.
BTW, I’ve never heard those rules you mentioned so I wouldn’t worry about them too much.
If you want a second date, you go with something along the lines of, "I really enjoyed this evening. Would you like to go out again?"
She says, "Me too; this was fun. That would be great. Call me and we’ll make plans."
You: "I have to prep for a meeting tomorrow, but when’s a good time after that?"
Her: "I can’t accept calls at work unfortunately, but I’m off after 5pm and any time this weekend is good."
If this was a Wednesday, after work hours coffee date then you call her Friday after 6 pm or any time of day on Saturday or Sunday.
Dont make things harder than they need to be based on someone else’s stupid rules. Think about what makes you most comfortable in dating and write your own.
As far as playing hard to get goes, in my experience this is one those things that men claim women do but in reality there’s usually something else going on. To be fair I’ve heard the same advice to women and it’s usually based on a means of testing a guy’s intentions for sincerity. I’ve just never known anyone to actually employ said tactics if they themselves are honest in their intent and desires. In other words, they like you too and aren’t just playing the field or trying to rid of you and burning all bridges.
I’ve been accused of playing hard to get a few times. Playing hard to get is too hard for me so in all cases there was something else going on, usually having to do with my plate being too full or shyness/awkwardness.