Yes. Let's just casually disregard the double standard of women constantly being admonished to be nice to men who hit on them because they have to shoot their shot, the constant griping of how it's a compliment to be given sexual attention and how men ALWAYS swear up and down that they would LOVE to get this admiration --yet when they do, they clearly don't like it any better.
And, oh yeah, the fact that he lied about the encounter and made false accusations. Interesting how quickly you gloss over that one, Riley, given how quick you are to go the "all women are liars" route in other areas.
Just another day that ends in Y.
If she had actually been abusive or inappropriate toward him, he should have and had every right to call her out.
But he lied.
Riley. He lied.
So we won't be accepting another bullshit double standard or whataboutism today.