Yes it would. There's a lot of people out there with what what used be called convenient morals of fairness. And this stuff is super childish, but people still do it as adults instrad of outgrow it.
If you have two siblings and one of them hits you or trlls on you, right? You can't get even with that one so you break the favorite toy of the 3rd sibling to vent your anger and transfer your pain. It's no different.
Imteresrigly, it's the same psychology of some serial killers. They can't get even with who hurt them, so they hunt and murder proxies.
We all get hurt in life. Being able to deal with anger over hurt is a huge part of growing up. Not having that skillset makes you dangerous as an adult (even if you're not as far out of ehackmas to be a serial killer), you'll be a loose canon that can't be ever be trusted fully.