Yes. And that needs to end. It's been detrimental.
The standard trope is
Boy meets girl.
Boy is a jerk.
Girl ditches boy.
Boy sees the error of his ways and makes a plea for another chance.
Girl forgives boy.
Movie ends before we see him fuck up yet again because learning curves don't actually work like that. And real meaningful change is a long, slow, hard process.
This playbook that's been shoved down our throats is why women get shamed for not giving men another chance and men think they're entitled to endless forgiveness no matter what they do.
I can only think of a handful of Romcoms that aren't based off this worn way too thin plotline.
Return to Me with David Duchovny and Minnie Driver is one.
Written and directed by Bonnie Hunt.
Very good. All men should see this movie, even if you have to drag them kicking and screaming so they can see what meaningful masculinity actually looks like. MHO.
Every male character in that film was an absolute boss except for David. Don't get me wrong, David Allen Greer played the character of David really well. You really wanted to punch him in the mouth or kick him in the balls or something. He was that guy that's just embarassint and makes all the other fiys uncomfortable but they don't know what to do. So awkward. Hilariously done.