Yep. She has a platform.
But, one could counter argue that so does the Trans community. While individual vs individual hers is much larger, they are not acting as individuals. They are acting as a coordinated unit across multiple platforms. Or, at the very least, in concert.
I think, given the level and vitriol of attacks and the fact that they are sustained attacks over what in essence was NOT an attack on Transpeople, but an expresses concern over how proposed legislation might harm natal women, the argument is moot. Whatever platform she has has not caused a backlash against Transfolk. Quite the opposite.
She expressed a concern on public policy as is the right of every citizen. They slandered her, slurred her, harassed her, and threatened to harm her. That’s not a minor social oopsie. Some of them threatened to rape her until she is dead.
Think about that for a minute. Really think about it and think it through to inevitable conclusion. Chew on it.
This behavior is how fascism works, not how democracy works. And that’s the chestnut of it, right there. Anything else, is just misdirection and BS.
Do you want to start building prisons and concentration camps for anyone who disagrees with or questions whatever the Trans community (or any other singular group) says, no matter how absurd, ridiculous, poorly thought out, misapplied, miscommunicated, etc. just because they’re the current political darling?
Then don’t condone that behavior. From anyone. Barring good faith debate in proposed legislation does not lead to good, sound, inclusive legislation. It leads to problems, pain, suffering, and tyranny.