4 min readJun 6, 2023


Yep. I've noticed. I see two reasons for this, and you can take it for what it's worth. I've known men who have killed themselves too, btw, just for context. Also ones who have been suicidal. I've known a alot more women who have self harmed in some way, been suicidal, or made an attempt though.

The harsh reality is thwres not going to be a lot of sympathy for Incels and manosphere alpha male types. These guys are the mass murderers, the fantasize about it, and they hero worship men like Elliot Rogers who have committed atrocities out of hate.

Hitler doesn't get much sympathy for his suicide either. The general reaction is "good riddance", right? That might seem like an extreme example, but really it's just a matter of scale. The same dynamics are at play within the minds of the perpetrators. Blaming an 'othered' group for their fear and difficulties and wanting to annhialate them for existing. Using that hate and coded language to and false promises to draw others in. And then there's the influencers.

These guys also infiltrate women's spaces, deliberately, just to be hateful and spread fear. They write hateful misogynistic articles and tag them feminism so that they show up in women's feeds. But look through feminist articles. Even misandrist articles. Show me one that is tagged specifically for men's spaces just to bash and hate on men.

In fact, if you look at a lot of misandrist articles, even though they make no bones of not thinking very much of men or men's rhetoric, they blame women for falling for or settling for men's obvious lies. Their articles are aimed at women, not men.

But these guys, they are operating like stochastic terrorists and have been for more than twenty years.

And that's just the cild hard truth of the matter.

Circling back around to the point you were making, when men who may legitimately be looking for sympathy and compassion in dealing with their problems they're in over their heads with and they come to women's spaces we've carved out for ourselves and using that same verbage and rhetoric garbage that we've been hearing for twenty years from you know who types...can you really blame them for concludinf the guy is just another misogynist lioking to dump his vitriol on them?

You've hears the expression about if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's a duck, right? Well, obviously thats not 100% accurate. It might be a kid pretending to be a duck, it might be a goose that was raised by ducks, it might be one of those garden statues with a recording of duck calls hidden under it, etc. But your best bet is to assume it's a duck until proven otherwise because it's still most likely a duck.

Another thing that happens is that the women have no compassion for men's suicides is used in a weaponized fashion to gaslight and diminish women's concerns. Here's how that works. A woman or a feminist writes an article about the increasing numbers of young women self reporting depression and mentions the increased number of suicide attempts that should be statistically expected and gives some tips to watch in your teenage daughters. This article is tagged feminism, depression, women's health, teen mental health, and women&suicide.

Clearly meant for women by women. Clearly not marked in a manner that should put it in men's feeds unless they are specifically following those things.

Now, when a man comments on that article, which of the following do you think is likely to be that comment?

1. Thanks for the tips. I appreciate any help reaching out to my teen daughters.
2. I had no idea the rates of self harm amongst teen girls and young women was so high. Thanks for an informative article.
3. Wow. Good article. The link to your sources isn't working, just wanted to let you know.
4. You make some good points but I feel like this article was too focused on what's going on with females given most of your points and tips and the sources you cited.
5. Men killing themselves far more than women, but you don't care about that, do you? Where's your compadsuon and concern for them?

If you guessed number 5, you would be correct.

Factually, they are not incorrect. Men are more successful committing suicide than women are. But, when you say that in a certain environment or landscape with that entitled and aggrieved tone, you're also making a comment about who's suicide matters and who's doesn't. It is projection at it's core. Funny how that works.

Another dynamic you see time and time again is that a feminist critic (usually a man) will write an article about men's mental health struggles from the perspective of criticizing feminist theory rather than the lonliness of men and tag it feminism like the whole point is supposed to be some weird gotcha. It's like they already recognize and accept that men don't truly care about men's issues because they only seem to show up in women's spaces, not men's. That's weird, don't you think? Why are women required to care about men suicides and lonliness when men don't? We can't fix it for you. That requires action on your part. Just like when I was lonely, I was the only person who could fix that. It wasn't anyone else's obligation or responsibility, much less an excuse to dump on men about.



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