Yep. First off, a preference is not a standard. I might prefer tall men but talleans taller than me, not 6 ft. and saying I prefer tall men is not the same as saying I refuse to date anyone less than 6 ft.
Second of all, 'a lot' means a large quantity. It usually refers to overwhelming or significant amounts that it's common, or in the case of a population, you're talking about nearing the majority or nearing 50%.
Yet only 13% of women have cheated on their spouses.
Is 13% common? I'd argue no. It's not rare, that would be around maybe 5% or less. I'd say you have to be at 25 or 30% to be commonplace. 50% is a count toss. Beyond that, you're looking at majority words and phrasing.
13% is what you'd call not unheard of. We know it happens, but it's not common.
Men, on the other hand are narrowing in on common at 20 to 25%.
That makes all the testerics about cheating women sound like so much projection.
And again, pot calling the kettle black. One should keep one's own side of the street clean before one starts pointing fingers. Otherwise, if you want to talk about cheating, don't make it gendered like that, it's hypocritical and plays to a double standard.
It also validates myths and narratives that set us against each other. Like, when a man cheats it's because she wasn't taking care of her man. When a woman cheats it's because she's an evil and immoral whore who done a good man wrong.
Uh huh. Couldn't possibly be that she cheated because he's bad and/or selfish in bed and he won't put out enough; that he's failing to take care of his woman. Couldn't be because he's a lecherous, fiendish manwhore who done a good woman wrong.
You fortified that bullshit. Congratulations.