Yeah, there are. As is their right. But they're not the ones forcing their personal choice down everyone else's throats, are they? They're also not promoting and voting for draconian anti-abortion legislation that will kill and incarcerate women who actually wanted their babies. Christians are.
They're not comfortable with rapists and rapists' families being able to legally hijack a young woman's life. Christians are.
They're not okay with forcing children with severe deformities and genetic diseases to be born only to suffer and die, impoverishing their families from medical bills when they inevitably do. Christians are.
They're a little sickened at the thought of a 12 year old girl with a funny uncle being forced to bring that baby to term. Christians love that idea.
They think banning contraceptives is a bad idea. But the politicians that the Christians elected have made it clear that they're going after it next. Its the Christians who are still cheering these imbecile on.
Its not pro-life non Christians all over the internet talking about how they're pro-life because they want a baby and God wants them to have a baby so they're ok with causing all that wreckage and also orphaning already living children just so they'll have a chance to buy a baby. Nope. It's Christian women doing that.
My God. The hubris.
What was it you were saying about pride? It's the first step toward all sin. It's also Lucifer's sin btw. That's telling.
You people are so wrapped up in and prideful about Christian identity and biblical literalism you have blinded yourselves to the atrocity you are committing. It really is something. Jesus is over here weeping, but whatever. You people have that pride and most of you only ever use his name to get what you want over other people anyways.
Like forcing them to have babies for you to take.
You're disgusting. You're all disgusting.