Yeah. The funny ironic part here is what you're talking about, I think.
Bears have been maligned in media and villified in stories. Men binge stories of bear maulings.
Only 6% of men think ybey could take a bear.
So men are afraid of bears because they recognize they don't stand much of a chance against a bear once one has you in its sights and starts coming for you.
You can't outrun it. You can't fight it. You're not going to outsmart it. Your only hope is to not panic and maybe survive it.
Oh, and when you say 'bear' all men are thinking Kodiak brown bear. They're not thinking koala bear (ehich is actually a marsupial and not an ursid) or sun bear, even though the question was "random bear".
Technically speaking, the "random bear" might even be a stuffed doll left behind by a little kid. Nothing in "random bear" makes it have to be a live Ursid of any size.
But men are thinking Polar bear,.Kodiak Brown bear, man-eating grizzly!!
Because correctly or incorrectly, they're afraid of bears. Terrified.
They're assuming being mostly helpless in the face of overwhelming force intent on maiming and killing you. Through no fault or provocation of their own.
It's a hyper vigilant wariness born of that fear.
Kind of like how women are wary of rabdom men.
Men think we're crazy because we're telling them we fear them the same way they fear bears.
That's why the argument for them keeps turning back to how dangerous bears are.