Yeah, that's why I jokingly threw that in there.
I keep seeing where folks are saying that women have a problem with passport bros but I never actually see women themselves saying they have a problem with passport bros, per se.
Even if they're criticizing the thoughts behind it or pointing out pitfalls or what have you, it's still with an attitude of 'if that's what you want, best of luck to you'.
And let's face it, there are pitfalls or things to consider or be wary of. That's true in any major decision.
From a feminist perspective, my concerns are that I keep seeing dating brokers pop up on my feed having written articles tagged feminism that trash American women based off of 4Chan Incels culture bullshit. These articles make the same claims, "women have such a problem with you looking for love overseas but they won't have you. Blah blah blah. Contact me and I'll help you get a date.". When you look into these websites they scream trafficking.
To be clear, it's not that my feelings are hurt by these malicious articles or whatever amd I don't have a problem with dating Internationally. At all. I do have a problem with buying women and underaged girls as wives. That's slavery. I also have a problem with using manipulative advertising propaganda to shuckster stupid young men into committing crimes across International borders.
Frankly, everyone should have a problem with that.