May 21, 2024


Yeah, Reddit, and men's forums on the internet ain't it, my guy. I think k the jury is fairly well in on that one.

Secondly, that's not just a problem for men. It's not unheard of for women to feel the sting of betrayal after trusting someone with their insecurities. It's quite common, in fact.

So you get better at finding trustworthy people. Trust someone to share with is not the same as trust everyone, even within your own family.

Your take here is the cop out of cowardice. You're encouraging men to sit and stew in cowardice rather than actualize.

Thirdly, without coming to truly know yourself and spending some time self reflecting, any advice you get is going to be a scattershot. You're not going to know what to do with it. There is no secret formula to life, no secret cheat code.



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