Nov 9, 2020


Yeah. Problem is, just like with the Sacklers, even a class action lawsuits won’t compensate for the damage done.

And it’s not all on them.

The diet industry plays into it as well.

As does the propaganda effect of the advertising industry. Airbrushing should have been banned. So should lying about and making a big deal about body measurements of celebrities.

Misinformation about what is healthy and what is not. Health crazes like the coconut craze or any other superfood of the day need to stop.

And it’s on us too. We need to take more responsibility for protecting our minds from propaganda and market manipulation. About what is beautiful and what is not; and not link fashionable beauty to health. We need to make an effort to pursue more variety in our diets and make time to eat properly. Demand a more equitable distribution of domestic work so there is time to cook and eat properly.



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