Yeah, like I said, they travelled north from Aztec territory over years into the southeast US. They kept trying to find a place to settle, but none of the ither tribes would tolerste them. They were too different. They could tolerate wet areas other Indigenous peoples couldn't, they built effective defensive "forts", and we're known for making highly prized blue glass beads and they didn't share the technique, which didn't make them friends.
It's been years since I read about this group, but I'm thinking the last of the original group died about 50 years after landing and he was in what's now the US at that time. There was something specific about 50 years in this tale about identity and I'm thinking it had to do with the last European death.
I'll have to find that book again, if I can. I can't remember the name but the jacket was pale yellow as I recall, with a swuate framed picture on the front.
Would you want to read it if I find it again?