1 min readMay 18, 2023


Yeah, I've read it. I'm not a fan of the Big Stinky Cheese/Sky Daddy.

But, what I said stands. Most people.

Most people, especially Christians haven't read the Bible. They've read parts, but not the whole thing. Not cover to cover. I would not be surprised if more atheists have read the Bible than Christians. In fact, for many who deconstruct, that process began after readinf the Bible and finding themselves having to confront all those contradictions, atrocities, and come to terms who who this God they claim to worship and care about is.

They love the idea of Jesus which centers who they claim to be but they fillow the dogma and dictates of Paul, an agent of Empire. Ironically, doing so puts the way of Jesus forever out of reach for them.

You cannot have grace and goodwill for all and authoritarianism in the same space, in context of the same thing, in the same way. You have to make a choice. You're going to model/choose/develop one or the other.



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