Yeah, it's a hoax. They're calling it a skit because of the backlash, but wouldn't you agree that every skit you've ever seen, you knew beforehand thatbitnwas staged, performed by actors, and that it was scripted?
That's why it's a hoax. It played to a mean trope about Black women to stoke outrage for money. And of course, it worked. The manosphere and podcast bros are losing their ever loving minds and throwing out all kinds of crazy shit over it.
That brings us to dude math, boy math, man math..... Ithink it was boy math first, which is what women are calling the calculus behind double standards and hypocritical behavior.
From the urban dictionary, it means:
The act of justifying an otherwise irrational purchase, through application of flawed logic, logical fallacies, and liberal use of arithmetical gymnastics; often with little to no true bearing on the actual costs of the purchase, or value at play.
Man math is a response to a TikTok trend that a few men started making fun of the mental gymnastics women do on order to justify buying something. It was meant to be lighthearted but, as usual, it was obtuse and callous and quickly became meanspirited once it got out there.
Boy math is brutal though. Here's an example: Boy math is wanting zero children and showing up with zero condoms. That one's actually not that brutal, but it's one of my favs.